Accessing Traffic Logs on Cloud Storage

You can configure Edge Acceleration to export HTTP requests to a traffic log you configure on a cloud storage site that you own.

The cloud storage site may be an Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 bucket or a site on Wasabi. This section provides the steps for configuring your traffic log on AWS, as an example. Contact Customer Success for the equivalent steps if you prefer to use Wasabi.

To enable traffic logging for your site:

  1. On AWS, create an S3 bucket where Yottaa will write the traffic logging information for your site.
  2. On AWS, create a unique AWS user in a unique AWS group. This user and group will be used only to give Yottaa access to the S3 bucket.

    For clarity, we suggest you name the group something like YottaaS3UserGroup, and the user something like customer_yottaa_s3.

  3. Ensure the group has full AWS permissions for the S3 bucket.

  4. Make note of the User Access Key ID and User Secret Access Key for use in later steps.

  1. In Yottaa Edge Acceleration, to open the Yottaa Log Configuration page:

    1. In the Account menu, click Organization Overview.

    2. In the left menu, click Manage > Sites.

      The Site Usage page appears.

    3. In the left menu, click Site Settings > Log Configuration.

      The Log Configuration page appears.

  2.  To turn on traffic logging for your site:

    1. On the Yottaa Log Configuration page to the right of Status, select the Transferring traffic logs for your site to your selected S3 storage system check box.

    2. Click the green Save button to save the setting.

    3. Click the Vendor drop-down to choose a cloud storage vendor. For the purpose of these instructions, select Amazon.

  3. Paste the Access Key ID for the AWS user into the User Access Key ID field.
  4. Paste the Secret Access Key for the AWS user into the User Secret Access Key field.
  5. Enter the S3 bucket name in the Bucket Name field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. To test whether Yottaa is properly connected to your AWS S3 bucket, click Test .

    If the test is successful, Yottaa will now write traffic logging information to your new AWS S3 bucket.

    Yottaa will start placing traffic log files in your bucket within approximately one hour.